
Monday, October 21, 2019

Week 8: Finishing up Identifying Microplastics + Microfibers


Hope everyone's week is starting off good! I was not in last week since ASU had their fall break! This week I came in very refreshed since I spent my weekend up in Flagstaff exploring and chasing the fall colors at Snowbowl. It was so memorizing and beautiful! Makes me wish Phoenix could have Aspen and Ponderosa trees down here. Here are some pictures I took. (:

This week, I am wrapping up identifying the micro-plastics and microfibers from our samples from the American Samoa. So I got a bit confused with the part of my project. I know I had said we are investigating the organic contaminants and micro-plastics in the Philippians (which the rest of the group is focused on that project), but what I am doing is double checking a new method that was used in the previous semesters that Beth Polidoro's group has finished up doing. I looked at three out of four sites of samples that had gone through 4 different washes using hydrogen peroxide and sodium chloride to see if there would be more microplastics and microfibers extracted. From what I've had to discover, its pretty good to say that there is a good amount of microplastics and microfibers that were identified using this method. Here are some pictures of my set up in lab. 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Week 6!

Hello everyone!

I wish I had taken pictures of what I did in the lab this week! I continued identifying the microplastics and microfibers under the microscope while my lab partner Kristi was measuring bivalves clams shells and weighing out the tissue for a doctoral student's research with Dr. Beth Polidoro. The reason for examining the marine organism like clams is because they filter feed, meaning they take a particulate food such as phytoplankton from the water. While doing this, they are taking in concentrations of contaminants and accumulate in the tissue of the organism. I found this super interesting since I love seafood because now doing the research of how most marine ecosystems are becoming more and more polluted, we need to find the importance of continuing to find more research in this field and continue educating others. Maybe we should eat less of what we eat weekly of seafood to reduce our chances of any chronic problems such as reproductive disorders, muscular and neurological abnormalities.

Let me know if you guys have any questions with the research im doing! (: Im learning more and more from you guys. I hope your guys project is going well!

- Francisco

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Week 5: Contination of Research

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone's week has been productive. I had to miss this weeks lab at ASU West due to car situations, glad that is over now. If you've seen Jasmine's post this week, you may have received a glimpse of what we are currently working on this semester. It is truly inspiring to be apart of future scientists who are wanting to learn, grow, and help bring awareness of what is being discovered underneath a microscope.

Like I said previously, Beth brought back water samples from the Philippines in the form of SPMD's (Semipermeable Membrane Devices) and Silicone Monitoring Device Wristbands. We are hoping that two different methods we will be using to test water contamination will give us the best results.

I didn't know until now that Beth has an article on ASU's Global Engagement page! I recommend for those who are curious to read about what we are doing, to look further into it. ""

Cant wait to be back in the lab next week!

Oh! I almost forgot to mention, who's all ready for November's Conference at ASU Tempe?! Super excited!!!!!

- Francisco