
Thursday, April 4, 2019

Week 9: Getting Close to Finishing Up!

Hi guys!

I am getting close to wrapping up my project, i'm sure we all are! All these conferences coming up may have us on the edge of our seats, but we got this! So far I have already let the micro plastics sit out so they can dry and be weighed out. So far I have gotten half of the micro plastics from the sediment and have seen great results from using DI water! Next week I will be using Salt Water to extract most of the micro plastics from the sediment. We will see which solvent works best!


  1. Wow this is amazing! I have always been so interested in actually removing microplastics from sediments. I know it sounds easy, but it has its trick to it. I think it is such a neat project and being able to come up with your own protocols along the way is great! Hope you continue on with the microplastics project!

  2. I really needed to hear the we got this. I am so happy to hear that you are close to finishing your project. I hope that salt water extraction works well for you. You got to tell me how your project is going so far. Wishing you the best luck!

  3. Hey, Mr. Garcia. I'm glad your research investigation is about microplastics. Microplastics are a huge concern worldwide. If you don't mind, I wanted to ask on how you dry your microplastics. Do you use Ethanol or Isopropanol alcohol? In my previous investigations, those were effective methods. Also, you mentioned sediments. Where did you get your soil samples from? I'm not sure if your research has concerns over sterility, but I suggest you use gloves when handling microplastics. I wish you the best of luck for your conferences.
